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An amazing community of fans has grown around threeA. Known as The threeA Legion, these men and women come from all walks of life, and from all across the globe.
At least every other episode, we at threeA radio will try to feature a Legionnaire on a segment called "ThreeA Legion Spotlight". This episode, we feature a cool Legion member who goes by the name tobor 2099.

This episode also features a recurring segment: Gimbat's News. This segment is a brief summary of some of the latest news in the world of threeA, painstakingly compiled by veteran threeA Legion member Gimbat.

We round things out with an on-the-spot unboxing & review of the WWRp JEA Bertie Mk.3

Here's a comparison. First, the WWRp JEA Bertie MK3:

And here, the WWRp JEA Bertie Mk.2-

Below, the distinctive JEA marking. Ever wonder who Yumiko is?

...Well, here she is, along with Rick from JEA in Tokyo.

The WWRp JEA Mk.3 Box-

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