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This episode I'm joined by Legion member and forum moderator James, aka Anubis2Night for a discussion on the ThreeA Custom Toy Show recently held at the 1AM Art Gallery.

Then it's time for another edition of 3A THUNDERDOME! Listen in as our contestants match wits to see who has the superior Tomorrow King knowledge!

We wrap things up with some speculation on the upcoming Action Portable Zombs; 1/12 versions of the iconic zombie characters from ThreeA's Adventure Kartel line.

All this and more, presented to you in dynamic, stunning mp3 form! ^_^
Check out the Links:
The podcast's closing song was created by an incredibly talented Legion member who goes by the name of Knives. Knives also does some incredible 3D character design. You can check out some of his work here-
Zombies Vs Robots, used with permission from Andy of The Flaming Tsunamis. Please support these guys & Buy their tunes! Check out their stuff here-
Zombies Vs. Robots movie news by Clevver Movies. Check out the youtube channel here-
Want to plug in to the ThreeA online community? Sign up at the official threeA forum!

Oh, and before I forget, there's a pretty cool contest in the works. The catch: You've got to be a member of the ThreeA Legion online forum to participate. Fortunately, signing up is easy and free. Just head on over to www.threeaonline.com/forum, and keep an eye on the threeA radio Podcast thread for more details.
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