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"What Does Nom DePlume Look Like?"

Episode 2 of the ThreeARadio Podcast is now online. Thanks to all of the folks who have contributed with design work, music suggestions, audio submissions and online discussion.
In this episode, I take a look at the book World War Robot, which features art by Ashley Wood and writing by Ashley Wood and T.P. Louis. The book is actually not a ThreeA publication, but since a huge amount of ThreeA toy ideas come from the book, I figured it was worth looking into.

This episode clocks in at over 2 hours long, and that's AFTER extensive editing. Much of the material cut from this episode was too good to discard, so it is being incorporated into episode 3.
Here's the segment breakdown for this episode:
-interlude (WWR)
-Gimbat's News featuring Devours
-interlude( StarWarsGangstaRap by Bentframe)
-Toy Review featuring contributor ChassBrock- The DePlumes
-Roundtable Discussion- World War Robot (featuring Pitu & BakerTheZombie)
-ThreeA legion Member Spotlight- Yama86

Some Links-
ThreeA Legion Forum
ThreeA Wiki
Ashley Wood Blog
ThreeA Production Blog
Bambaland Store
ThreeA Radio is a fan produced podcast, and is in no way affiliated with Ashley Wood, ThreeA Toys, or any of it's employees. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of Ashley Wood or ThreeA toys.
*Batteries not included.
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