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In this episode, I take my first pass at tackling Ashley Wood's comic series Popbot. I give a brief publishing history of the book, then pop my knuckles and give a (mostly) spoiler-free summary and cursory analysis of the series. I also touch on the different threeA releases to date that have their origin in the Popbot series.
The ThreeA Legion Member Spotlight segment also continues; this time, I chat with Bot Bambina & NoCash, a threeA collecting couple who are also veteran members of the threeA forums.
In keeping with the Popbot theme, this episode also features a review of one of the earliest threeA releases from the PopBot series- The 1/6 Tomorrow King Aki figure.

All this, plus Gimbat's News and a few other surprises, coming to you in episode 4 of the threeA radio fan podcast!
Segment Breakdown:
Intro 00:00:00
Gimbat's News 00:04:36
Interlude 00:10:54
Popbot Primer 00:13:15
Member Spotlight 00:36:37
Interlude 00:57:46
Review: Tomorrow King Aki 01:01:06
Outro & credits 01:09:36
Some cool links-
ThreeA Legion Forum
ThreeA Production Blog
This podcast is put together by a threeA fan, FOR threeA fans. The door is always open to any fellow fans interested in participating, be it in the form of toy reviews, commentary, or just a shout-out to fellow fans. If you'd like to participate, drop me a comment here, or at threeARadio@gmail.com.
Special thanks goes out to BotBambina and NoCash of the threeA legion forums for participating in this episode, as well as to Pitu of Pituvision.com and Redbastard of Atomicthinktank.com for taking the time to create a detailed outline of the popbot universe.
Thanks also goes out to Gimbat of the threeA legion forums for tirelessly putting together the threeA daily news thread, ensuring that members like myself are kept in the loop in the constantly changing world of threeA.
And finally, Super-Special thanks go out to THE MAN, ashley wood, for creating such cool stories, art, and kick-ass toys.
threeA radio is a fan podcast, and is not officially affiliated with Ashley wood, threeA toys, or any of its employees. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Ashley wood or threeA.
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