Comic Con Survivor's Guide (pt.1)
Welcome to episode 15 of the threeA radio podcast, the internet's first podcast dedicated to the designer toys of artist Ashley Wood's groundbreaking company 3A. In this episode, I'm joined by threeA legion member Base for some discussion on the upcoming SDCC comic con. I'm then joined by 3 members of the podcast team for further discussion of comic con, and conventions in general.
Then it's on to the toys, as we discuss some of our recent pick-ups.

We round out this episode with a new segment called THUNDERDOME: 3 men enter, one man leaves.

All this, plus an impromptu review of the adventure kartel fighting JC figure.

Thanks go out to special guest Base, and to the threeA radio team: Devours, Chasbrock, Yama86, and Solodice. Thanks also to Rob Liscomb, creater of the opening song, and to threeA legionnaire Knives, creator of the closing song. And as always, a special thank you goes out to Ashley wood for creating such kick-ass toys and art, and for keeping in touch with us fans.
To find the greatest community of threeA fans on the internet, be sure to check out the official forum at
"Hummingbird" by Imaginary Cities- Check them out:
"Wake Up" by Arcade Fire:
"Hold Your Head Up" by Argent:
"Welcome To Paradise" by Front 242
"Comic Con Girls" by Screen Team:
Comic Con clips by Mediocre Films
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