Here it is, episode 6 of the threeA radio podcast; the internet's first podcast dedicated to the designer toys, art, and apparel of one of the most ground breaking toy companies around- Ashley Woods' threeA. In this episode, I'm joined by some fellow threeA fans to discuss one of the most popular lines of threeA figures- the Tomorrow Kings. We'll discuss the latest TK release, as well as do a little speculation on what may be coming in the future.
I'll also be giving a brief review of one of my favorite threeA 1/6 figures- the BBICN blood nails version of Tommy Mission.

I'll be kicking things off with Gimbat's news, brought to you by legion member devours.
All this and more, on episode 6 of the threeA radio podcast.
Episode Breakdown: 01:55:40
-gimbat's news
-interlude Monkey vs Robot
-TK talk
-interlude Grocery Store Robots
-TK talk, pt 2
-tommy mission review
-interlude Death Star Cantina
ThreeA Radio is a fan produced podcast, and is not officially affiliated with Ashley wood, threeA toys, or any of it's employees. The views and opinions expressed on this podcast do not nessesarily reflect the views of Ashley wood or threeA
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