One final episode about SDCC, then I'll stop talking about the convention until next year.
Tune in as Devours, Chas & I recount some of our favorite memories of the convention. We also talk a bit about the different threeA exclusives that were available at the convention, and the trials & tribulations involved in trying to score them.

This episode also features the return of the Member Spotlight segment. Thanks go out to long-time Legion member Leland for letting me grill him at the IDW booth.

Wrapping things up: An impromptu unboxing of the 2011 3AA Membership Pack.
00:00:00 -Intro
00:01:42 -Interlude: Tales From The Emo-Zone
00:04:17 -threeA Legion Member Spotlight: Leland
00:08:16- SDCC Wrap-up
00:46:47 -Interlude: Natalie Portman RAP (Yes, it's really her.)
00:49:55 -SDCC threeA Exclusives
01:48:35- 2011 3AA Unboxing
01:58:30- Outro